WoW WOTLK Classic: How to Make Gold

Wrath of the Lich King Classic is here, and with it comes a new opportunity to make gold. With the new expansion, there are new items, new markets, and new ways to make money. In this guide, we will cover some of the best ways to make gold in WoW WOTLK Classic.

Flipping Items

Flipping items is one of the most common and effective ways to make WoTLK gold. Flipping involves buying items for a low price and selling them for a higher price. This can be done with any item, but it is most effective with items that are in high demand and have a low supply.

To flip items effectively, you need to know the market. You need to know what items are in high demand and what items are in low supply. You also need to know how to price your items so that you can make a profit.

There are a number of ways to learn about the market. You can use the Auction House to see what items are selling for and how often they are selling. You can also use websites like MMOexp to track market prices and trends.

Once you have a good understanding of the market, you can start flipping items. To do this, you will need to buy items for a low price and sell them for a higher price. You can buy items from the Auction House, from vendors, or from other players.

To sell items, you can use the Auction House or you can sell them directly to other players. If you are selling items at the Auction House, be sure to price them competitively. You also want to make sure that you set a reasonable auction duration.


Another great way to make gold in WoW WOTLK Classic is by farming. Farming involves killing monsters and collecting loot. The loot you collect can be sold to vendors or to other players.

There are a number of different places to farm in WoW WOTLK Classic. Some of the best places to farm include dungeons, raids, and outdoor areas with high-level monsters.

When farming, it is important to choose a location that is appropriate for your level and gear. You also want to make sure that you are killing monsters that drop valuable loot.

Once you have collected a lot of loot, you can sell it to vendors or to other players. If you are selling loot to vendors, be sure to sell it to the vendor that will give you the most gold. If you are selling loot to other players, be sure to price it competitively.


Professions are a great way to make gold in WoW WOTLK Classic. There are a number of different professions to choose from, and each profession has its own unique benefits.

Some of the best professions for making gold include:

Alchemy: Alchemy allows you to create potions and elixirs that can be sold to other players.
Blacksmithing: Blacksmithing allows you to create weapons and armor that can be sold to other players.
Engineering: Engineering allows you to create gadgets and trinkets that can be sold to other players.
Enchanting: Enchanting allows you to enchant weapons and armor, which can make them more powerful and valuable.
Jewelcrafting: Jewelcrafting allows you to create gems and jewelry, which can be sold to other players.

To make gold with professions, you need to create items that are in high demand and have a low supply. You also need to price your items competitively.

Tips for Making Gold

Here are a few tips for making gold in WoW WOTLK Classic:

Be patient: Making gold takes time. Don't expect to get rich quickly.
Be consistent: The more time you spend making gold, the more gold you will make.
Be smart: Don't just mindlessly farm or flip items. Think about what you are doing and try to be as efficient as possible.
Be social: Network with other players and learn from them. There are many experienced players who are willing to share their tips and tricks for making gold.


Making gold in WoW WOTLK Classic is not difficult, but it does take time and effort. By following the tips above, you can start making gold today. If you don’t have the time and energy to grind gold, please choose MMOexp to buy WoW WoTLK Gold, it’s simple, fast, and safe.

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